In Laos

Das alte und das neue Hong Sa_kDuring my journey in Laos, I visited some mahouts of Hong Sa, an area that is well known for its old elephant
culture. The mahouts of Hong Sa have a famous reputation throughout Laos. They used to work in the logging
industry and with tourists, but nowadays Hong Sa is on the verge to a modern future. The old traditions will fade away in the smoke of the newly build Hong Sa Power Plant that eats away the hills and the forests, but offers new jobs, progress and wealth to the people living in the area. Hong Sa is a becoming boom town, but for the mahouts and their elephants times get difficult. Since the the power plant is erected only few tourists come and the
elephant owners have difficulties in finding jobs for their animals to earn a living. Also the logging is a business
without future as the forests are closed down for environmental protection. In Hong Sa everybody can follow the social conversion and progression that takes place all over Laos. During my talks with the mahouts I learnt, what that means for them and their families and elephants.